Situational Gita Course
Vedalearn Academy

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Bhagavad gita’s Plot

The Bhagavad-gita opens with blind King Dhritarashtra requesting his secretary Sanjaya, to narrate the battle between his sons, the Kauravas, and their cousins, the Pandavas.

Kṛṣṇa, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, out of affection for His devotee, the Pandava prince Arjuna, has agreed to drive his chariot. As Arjuna takes up his bow and prepares to fight, he sees the sons of Dhritarashtra drawn in military array and requests infallible Kṛṣṇa to draw his chariot between the two fighting forces.

There in the midst of both armies, Arjuna’s mind reels as he foresees the imminent death of his teacher, relatives, and friends. He throws down his bow and arrows and decides not to fight. Overcome with sorrow, Arjuna sinks into despair at the thought of the inevitable bloodshed. He tells Kṛṣṇa that he cannot be a part of any action that will result in so much death and misery.


Author: Juan Manuel Ferrera Diaz

Created: 2024-03-02 Sat 07:39